Join as a Silver Supporter
Your contact preferences
When you sign up as a Royal Court Supporter, we will add you to our mailing lists so we can keep in touch with you about your membership and benefits, including our supporters' newsletter, event invitations, priority booking details, updates on our work and the projects we need your support for. Remember, you can unsubscribe from any of our mailing lists at any time. To do so, please sign in to your account
Gift Aid
This level of support includes a benefits portion which represents the cost of the scheme to the theatre and a suggested donation. The benefits can be purchased separately at the stated price; to do so, please contact the Development team. The remaining balance is a suggested donation and is eligible for Gift Aid. For the Silver level the split is: Donation from £160, benefits £90.
Tick the auto-renew box if you would like your membership to renew automatically each year. It’s quick, hassle-free and you can cancel at any time.